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Just Added: Work Samples - 2023

Work Sample Category: SCORM Training Modules designed on Adobe Captivate
SCORM | 01 Excerpt of a Training

This is a 4-module SCORM training hosted on Moodle for my current company. I am showing just a snippet of the introduction of module 3 and then it jumps into a short simulation/ interactive experience.



Authoring Tool: Adobe Captivate 2019.

Produced: 2019

SCORM | 02 Onboarding Training

This is an archived comprehensive training module, one of three, hosted on Talent LMS for my current company. You will find use of personalized learning components including avatars, software demonstration, and training simulation.


Authoring Tool: Adobe Captivate 2019.

Produced: 2019

SCORM | 03 Training Simulation

This training simulation features a human voice walking teachers through their onboarding to a specialized team. This was designed and developed following the ADDIE model during my MS Capstone project.



Authoring Tool: Adobe Captivate

Produced: 2015-16 during grad school, implemented at my organization.

Work Sample Category: Reports and Research (from Master's program)
Report | 01 Instructional Design Report
Written: 2015-16


Report | 02 Measuring Student Engagement While Learning Online
Written: 2015-16


Report | 03 Adult Learning Theories
Written: 2015-16


Work Sample Category: Instructional Videos, Job Aides
Sample | 01 Instructional Video​
Archived train-the-trainer video created to meet needs of specific stakeholders. 
Note: This was created for specific audiences who would already be oriented with these slides in advance.

Authoring Tool: Camtasia, Snagit, and H5P to embed questions for interactive video.
Produced: 2018-19
Sample | 02  Job Aid/ Handout
I developed solutions such as this job aid for a SaaS product while practicing ownership of customer education learning pathways at a then small tech startup. 




Authoring Tool: Canva, Snagit

Produced: 2021

Sample | 03 Instructional Video
This video was for a specific population of teachers, and utilizes a visual narrator (myself) to connect with the viewers of this content. Adult Learning Theory states that personalization increases engagement and understanding (avatar, voice narration, etc).

Authoring Tool: Camtasia, Snagit
, H5P to embed questions for interactive video.
Produced: 2018
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